The Future of Adams County's Workforce
The public is invited to this free, informative event, pulling data together from the previous five Advantage Adams sessions and looking into the future of Adams County’s workforce.
Keynote address by SCPa Works (South Central PA Works): How can we prepare our workforce for shifting, changing employment opportunities? Where can we find education tailored for those jobs? How can educational and business leaders partner to create a pipeline of qualified workers?
Panel discussion featuring:
Sam Primak of SCPa Works, site administrator for PA CareerLink Adams County
Katie Lentz, SCPA Works’ director of strategic initiative
Vic Rodgers, HACC’s assistant provost for workforce development
Advantage Adams Partners include Adams Economic Alliance, Destination Gettysburg, Gettysburg Adams Chamber of Commerce, County of Adams, HACC-Gettysburg Campus
Click here to register.
Chamber Events
Jan 1, 2025
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